• Dear Diary (Day 1 2023)

    Everytime I come to this place I don’t know what to write. It’s sad really because I have always wanted to be a writer and yet I never know what to say or what to write about. Staring at this white page does not help any. There is no form or color and it seems…

  • There has never been a time in my life where everything has been easy. Life in general has never been easy. My mom used to tell me that life was not easy despite what you hear. Growing up as a military brat was not an easy life. We were constantly moving from one place to…

  • budgeting

    In regards to budgeting… I believe there is no such thing. Budgeting works for some people but has never seemed to work for me. I have always had trouble. I pay my bills first always so after I get paid I put the money for the bills upcoming and present on a sheet of paper…

  • PERIODS- holidays, teens, body transformation the older you get….

    “There’s an enemy that brings us together and burdens us with a fate from which not even your relationship status (Facebook official or not) could spare you: having your period on Valentine’s Day.”Note: these words came from Sass and Balderdash. Tried to do a link but I think I failed. Read hers first. Many a…

  • week happenings March

      The weather here has been really rainy although it has been nicer in the afternoons on some of the days since spring.  The first day of spring looked like it was gonna rain but after 8 am it turned into a beautiful sunny day.  We were hedging the roses on the hill at Zuanich…

  • The Bird

    Once upon a time in a land far away lived an old man.  He lived in a cottage not far from Schneeze. Many a day he would walk out of his tiny cottage in the woods and walk along the paths towards the village clothed in a little brown jacket with pants and shoes that…


    Daydreaming for hours had been one of her favorite pastimes, but now she sat bored out of her mind in her aunt’s home for the summer. She hated her parents for leaving her with an eccentric aunt they hadn’t seen in years.  It was rumored that Aunt Mame had become more withdrawn since the death…

  • I was well on my way to writing something down this evening but by the time I got home–had to stop by Fred Meyers for food today cause it was finally pay day– I had completely forgotten what I was going to write about.  So this will be a short post for tonight.  I will–however,…

  • Windy roses

    Just a note to say i started back at my seasonal groundskeeper job.  This is my second season and yesterday we were at the airport pruning some roses that were 6 feet tall and all tangled and half dead.  Turns out they had not been pruned for a couple of years.  As most of you…


    Slowly creeping through his veins like a caterpillar inching its way inside a leaf, the sensation made Harry irritated as his leg cramps returned.  He had been sitting in the same spot for hours.  Lying down earlier had relieved some of the pain but now it was back again.   So he stood up to stretch,…

Got any book recommendations?